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Absolutely hilarious but not for everyone
melwinbauer9 January 2022
"Deadpool" is absolutely hilarious. The story isn't groundbreaking, but it does the trick and the same goes for the action which isn't bad either. The greatness of this film lies in its humor and its uniqueness. It isn't like every other superhero film. Whether you talk about the constant breaking of the fourth wall, the R-rating, or any of the very different characteristics of this film that differentiate it from other superhero movies. To be frank, it's arguable doesn't even justify the "superhero" stamp. It's something different.

It needs to be said, the film might not be for everyone. It's very crude and it's filled with nudity and violence. The humor won't appeal to everyone either. It's quite dark sometimes and very satirical. Sure, "Deadpool" isn't for everyone, but to the right audience, it's a masterpiece. The humor is great and there are countless hilarious jokes throughout that will make you laugh. Ryan Reynolds is perfect for Deadpool and he does so well in the role. It is a truly great performance by him.

To sum up, "Deadpool" is a great film that might not be for everyone. I recommend it.
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"Please don't make the super suit green...or animated!"
adamsmith-5100416 April 2021
One of the greatest anti-hero - the Merc with a mouth - Wade Wilson was once a special forces operative but turned mercenary. After being subjected to a rogue experiment, he finds himself with accelerated healing and transforms himself into Deadpool. Armed with weapons (and a wicked sense of humour) he will stop at nothing to track down the men responsible.

Never have I seen so many fans (or moviegoers), dying to see a character like Deadpool on the big screen; it's a bit like how everyone wanted to see The Avengers on the big screen back in late 2011. It's bad enough that the studios can't seem to get the character right with the disaster that was X-Men Origins: Wolverine. But the respect and love that fans have for this character stayed strong until everyone's prays was finally answered by this movie. And it did not disappoint, because Deadpool lives up to hype by being entertaining and hilarious. While I don't think it is a masterpiece of all comic book movies I did have fun watching this movie. It's a film that fans wanted and got.

I can't imagine anyone else in Hollywood playing Deadpool but only Ryan Reynolds. He was born to play this character and he's the only actor that I think of to do the character justice. Reynolds as expected did that, and has made the character of Deadpool his own. He was terrific as the mouth talking, ant-hero bad-ass. This is Ryan Reynolds come back role after his past disasters roles that mostly involves Green Lantern and Origins Wolverine (that this movie brilliantly makes fun off). Reynolds was just perfect for this character and he did a great performance in this film. He delivered the comedic timing and the somewhat of a hidden charm that Deadpool has. Ryan Reynolds absolutely nailed it.

The writing in this movie was surprisingly good, which I didn't expect for a movie with this kind of character. Of course there are Easter eggs, references and nods to the comics and Marvel movies, but in this movie it's done in such a way that feels kind of refreshing. I know for a fact that I missed a lot of the jokes and references due to amount of laughter that I had while watching the movie. I can say it with a brave face that the writing is this movies biggest strength, because it's self awareness on Marvel movies and itself was all top notch.

I'm so happy that this movie is rated 18 and not some watered down movie, because if you honestly think a Deadpool movie should be rated anything less then you really don't know the character at all.
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One of my favourite comedy's
ethanjjacobs15 May 2021
I really enjoyed this movie and I didn't expect to, I don't really enjoy a lot of 'superhero' movies so I didn't have high hopes , but this movie was amazing. It was funny, violent and action packed. A really good thing about this movie is that it was different to a lot of comedy's , which easily could've made this movie a disappointment. But it was a great movie and is one of the best comedy's I have watched. If you haven't watched this yet you should definitely give it a try.

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Dirty, funny, sexy, violent and unabashedly romantic: Deadpool has arrived!
gogoschka-112 February 2016
I really, really liked Deadpool. And you know what? I didn't expect to. Seriously, I was never a fan of the character (in the sense that I hardly knew anything about him) and the humor as well as the violence seemed forced and overdone in the trailers. Still, I remained interested in the film, I just never expected it to actually be good - until the reviews arrived. After most critics unexpectedly showered this newest superhero movie with praise, I went in cautiously optimistic (but still fully prepared to hate the film).

The first thing I noticed was how inventive the storytelling is. The film throws you into the action from the first moment (literally: the very first moment) and then it goes back and forth in brilliant and unexpected ways to slowly unspool the story of this insane - but oddly charming - antihero. Flashbacks and fast-forwards can be annoying as hell, but when done right, they can help render even a somewhat simple story fresh and exciting. And that's exactly how Deadpool felt to me right from the start: like a fresh (if somewhat dirty) jolt of energy.

The action itself is beautifully designed, employing playful visuals and using pretty much every camera technique available; it never feels repetitive and the pacing is close to perfection. But, and that was probably the key to me liking the film so much, there's a beating heart underneath all the action and carnage, and that has a lot to do with how brilliantly Ryan Reynolds portrays the character and the great chemistry he has with co-star Morena Baccarin. What came as a complete surprise to me was how unabashedly romantic Deadpool is. The love story in this film is probably the most sincere I've ever seen in a superhero movie and it gives the film the strong emotional core which so many of these movies lack.

The humor, which I initially feared would just be non-stop juvenile wisecracks and soon become distracting, also works surprisingly well. Not every line or every joke lands - but that's the beauty of this character: they don't really need to. Deadpool can't help himself; as long as he's able to breathe he'll crack wise and make fun of himself and those around him. It's a clinical condition; he's not a stand-up comedian whose jokes need to land: he's a madman (albeit a very entertaining one) and the comedy in his case is born out of tragedy.

Despite all my praise, it's not a perfect film. The villain in this revenge tale could be more memorable and the story itself is a bit too derivative to really do its highly unconventional protagonist (he insists he's not a hero) justice: but it's a damn good first entry in a franchise that will hopefully explore the character and his world to a much larger extent in the sequel(s). And it's actually a very important film for another reason. If Deadpool is a financial success - which at this point is already clear it will be - this could play a vital role in how studios henceforth view the financial prospects of R-rated superhero films, and we'll hopefully see more of them in the future.

Many people might feel different - and I respect their opinion - but I've grown tired of the entirely bloodless CGI overkill in all those 200 million productions where even the most terrible villains talk like Mormon schoolgirls. I mean: there's a gigantic audience out there that is over the age of 18, loves to read comic books and can absolutely handle real-world language, real-world sex and real-world violence in superhero movies. This genre is so diverse; it's ridiculous to believe just because comic books have pictures in them all film adaptations - regardless of the material - must automatically be made for kids in order to be successful.

As it is, I think Deadpool - a dirty, funny, sexy and violent film which is decidedly NOT for kids - just proved my point perfectly. 8 stars out of 10.

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nogodnomasters2 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with realistic gag credits and playing Ann Murray (I think it was her and not a Juice Newton cover). We have our main character going after a bad guy (Ed Skrein), being interrupted Colossus (Stefan Kapicic) and introduces moody teen Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand). The film then resorts to flashbacks of Ryan Reynolds (not to be confused with Green Lantern) aka Wade Wilson becoming the near super hero "Dead Pool" operating with his own set of vigilante/special operations ethics.

The film spoofs Avenger/X-Men films with numerous asides and one liners. It is critical of the shallow film industry in general while creating the same shallow film. The language in this film is adult, more adult than "Kick-Ass," but is much funnier. This is not for the kids, but a good comedy for adults who like super hero films and I also know people who don't like super hero films, but loved this one.

Guide: Many F-words, brief sex and nudity. Deadpool 2 has been announced with Ryan Reynolds.

Note to self: Seltzer water and lemon takes out blood
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"Bad Deadpool - Good Deadpool Film!"
asifahsankhan14 December 2016
If anyone else could be cast to play Deadpool, he certainly doesn't exist in this universe. After Ryan Reynolds's dramatic failure in the Green Lantern film, he has returned to the comic book world. Reynolds is absolutely phenomenal as the foul mouthed, and witty anti hero. I mean he is just superb! He completely owns the role, and gives a fantastic performance. If Robert Downey Jr. IS Iron Man, then Ryan Reynolds IS Deadpool. He is also such a liveable character, and by the end of the film, I genuinely cared about Deadpool. I never thought I'd say that. All of the performances are great. No one holds a candle to Reynolds, but I will say not one person was miscast here.

Deadpool is a unique film, and a huge gamble. Both Marvel and the studios bringing us this film took a major risk. This is a beloved character, and his world is very different than other Marvel films. Right off the bat, this film is consciously self-aware. It knows its a comic book film with comic book characters, and it actually exploits it. Many times, Deadpool turns to the audience and tells us what we're all thinking. It was so different, and it worked so very well. The narrative itself is also different. It's very non-linear. The events of the film don't play out in a normal straight narrative.

One of the trademarks, nay, the trademark of Deadpool is his sense of humour. This film is by far one of the most hysterical films I have seen in some time. The writing is so perfect, so sharp, and so full of witty banter, and thankfully, it all works. Not one joke, that I remember, fell flat. The film had me laughing constantly; from the opening credits, all the way to the after credits scene.

As for the action, it's also very satisfying. Many action films today are butchered by terrible camera work. For whatever reason, many modern action films are using shaky cam. Instead of clear, steady shots, the DP will go hand held, and shake the camera violently. The worst example in recent memory of this is, Taken 3. Thankfully, there are films like this, and others, that know exactly how to do a good action scene. Director Tim Miller and cinematographer Ken Seng do a brilliant job creating slick, good looking action. Not only is the action brutal, and extremely bloody, it's just co clear and well handled. The fights are really great here. I couldn't help but be reminded of Tarantino's, Kill Bill films while watching Deadpool. They are incredibly similar in their style of fight scenes.

Sitting in the cinema, the inner critic in me struggled internally. I kept thinking afterwards about the film. What were the flaws? I don't often see a film without pointing out the negatives. Even films I really like, or even love, have flaws. I'm certain that if one sits and picks this apart, you will eventually find some flaws. Perhaps the overall story is paper thin. Perhaps the villain wasn't very compelling as character. Then again, Ajax was honestly serviceable. Ed Skrein gave a great performance, and by the end, you really hate the bastard. He's a generic, or a dick, British villain and the film makes fun of that!

"Deadpool" and Guardians of the Galaxy were both huge risks that ultimately paid off, big time. As a film, it's nearly perfect. The film does exactly what it needed to do, and more. It introduces Deadpool, sets up his character, and gets you to like him if you didn't already. The non linear narrative was refreshing to see in a superhero film. Everything about this film was different and unique. It's self awareness and breaking of the fourth wall work well; really well. The direction is great, Ryan Reynolds is phenomenal, and the script is fantastic!
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This is what it looks like when filmmakers take risks
moviewizguy15 February 2016
Deadpool is a triumph of artistic vision over studio interference. Little credit should be given to 20th Century Fox, as they had zero faith in the success of a Deadpool movie. To put things into perspective, Ryan Reynolds fought for this film back in 2004 when Blade: Trinity was released. Reynolds and co. went to shoot test footage that was then leaked online by Reynolds because Fox had no intentions to release it to the public. Finally, after years and years of BEGGING to the studio and the overwhelming positive responses of the test footage from the public, Fox didn't even tell Reynolds and co. that the film was greenlit. They had to find out online like the rest of us plebeians. If that sounds bad, Fox even cut their budget by $7 million AT THE LAST MINUTE, which caused the writers to scratch some action sequences that I'm sure would've been great to see.

Deadpool now has the biggest opening weekend in the month of February (surpassing Fifty Shades of Grey), the biggest opening weekend for 20th Century Fox (surpassing all the X-Men films), and the biggest opening weekend for an R rated film EVER (surpassing The Matrix: Reloaded). With all that being said, Deadpool is a hilariously entertaining film that works mainly because of Reynolds himself. His comedic skills pay off gloriously as the titular character, who gives so many quips in one instance that some jokes will be missed. Of course, credit should be given to the writers too (AKA: The Real Heroes Here), and it's impressive that this is Tim Miller's directorial debut. The action sequences and pacing are so good that you'd think this came from a veteran director.

From the ingenious opening credits to the subversive ending, Deadpool constantly upends clichés and tropes you're used to seeing in superhero flicks in the past few years. What's great here is the filmmakers had something weird and perverse and just went with it. Jokes about pedophilia, pegging, and sex run rampant, but it's never really dark, despite the mature subject matter. On top of that, it's also very refreshing to see a pansexual superhero in such a big studio film. It's unheard of these days. Fox and other studios, learn from this success. It's not the fact that a hard R-rated film can do well, it's that Deadpool also happens to be very good, most likely because you, Fox, actually gave the filmmakers the creative freedom to do whatever the hell they wanted.
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"Let's count 'em down!"
Ch4ndler_B1ng20 June 2020
This movie is absolutely brilliant! It's one of my all time favourite comic book movies and deserves its' positive reviews because this is a future action movie classic! I'd say this would be after Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises as one of my all time favourite action/comic book movies. It's possibly the most quotable film of the century, the best comedy of the century, literally everything about this movie is awesometacular.
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I am NOT the target audience for this one...please keep this in mind as you read.
planktonrules16 July 2017
I am a 53 year-old man...and the target audience for "Deadpool" is much, much younger. So, it's not all that surprising that I wasn't bowled over by the film like so many younger people I know. And, when I am not as enthusiastic about it, understand that I am writing my review mostly for folks who are NOT huge fans of superhero films. Sure, I've seen more than my share but I am growing tired of the whole genre. And, while "Deadpool" deliberately avoids some of this, it's STILL a head on assault to your senses due to all the action and primary reason for not being a superhero fan. Yes, there are tons and tons of explosions and action...that left me pretty did some of the ultra violence. What I did like was how Deadpool occasionally broke through the fourth wall and talked to the audience or made commentaries about superhero films...that I really liked. Overall, it's a mixed bag for me...worth seeing and enjoyable but one I am very glad I waited until the film came to cable TV.
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a much needed breath of fresh air in a stale genre
peterafro26 September 2016
At first glance, Deadpool seems like a typical superhero movie due to it being made by Marvel. But once those hilarious intro credits show up, you know you are in for one of the most creative films in recent years.

The first thing that is unique about this film is the characters. In typical superhero films the characters are stiff and super serious, in Deadpool the characters are filled with personality and can range from the serious Francis to the silly Deadpool giving this a parody like feel, in a good way.

Also what is different is that this is a story of revenge rather then saving the city/world/universe that is seen in every single superhero film. Also the tone of film is more comic then dark thanks to the fantastic humor of all kinds from slapstick to dirty to just plain silly, this film just does not stop the laughs (I laughed 20- 30 times in my SECOND watch).

As for being an origin story, I can say that the backstory placements were well done, equally as funny, and explains only what is important in understanding the story. Final rating 10/10 this is a great nominee for movie of the year and one of the greatest comedies ever made
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A movie too conventional for an unconventional anti-hero
acole022820 October 2016
Let me just say off the bat that I liked this movie overall. The action and the humor were both very good, and Ryan Reynolds nailed the role of Deadpool.

With that said, Deadpool, the infamous anti-hero known for constantly breaking the 4th wall and just overall being unconventional, is stuck in a way too conventional movie that doesn't take enough risks. Deadpool in this film is very much himself, and there's plenty of R-rated humor the usual PG-13 Marvel film tries to avoid, but in the end, the film gets bogged down by a typical 3rd act finale (the weakest point of the film), another forgettable Marvel villain in Ajax (possibly the worst),plus the typical supporting characters like the love interest and goofy sidekick. It's all a little too conventional for such an unconventional character in Deadpool, and the movie suffers.
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Funny, entertaining and refreshing
dreenphlanger18 October 2016
I am aware that to many people (especially those unfamiliar with Deadpool comic or Marvel comics at all) this movie would seem too gory, unnecessary brutal and excessively violent. But this movie is a comedy, where its main protagonist, Deadpool, should be perceived as a comedian, and Ryan Reynolds did an excellent job representing this character.

The story of Deadpool isn't complex or profound - and it wasn't meant to be. This movie is all about fun and entertainment, abundant with action, jokes, blood and foul language. Therefore, it is not suitable for children. I grew tired of people thinking that movies based on comics are intended for children only.

Related to that, I believe that many Marvel movies could have been far more successful if they didn't refrain from gory scenes. I am sorry, but if you want to make a serious combat-based movie and you make it without blood, than that movie will be all but serious.

That is why I see Deadpool as a refreshment. Nowadays many writers and directors are too worried about political correctness in their movies. That really stifles creativity and that is why today we have so many movies with great ideas but poor realization.

Thus, to me, Deadpool was a very pleasant surprise, I had fun watching it, and I intend to watch it again some time soon.
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It is a good 6.5 or 7 movie, but 8+ is overrated
movie_goer8229 March 2016
Just watched it and would say it is a bit overrated. And definitely should not be in top 250. It is a good one time watch, but sorry to say I can't give it a repeat view. Nowadays it has become a trend that any Marvel superhero movie starts with high ratings. Marvel should say thanks to the fan-boys. At first i liked the humor, but it was repetitive and turned boring to me. Looks like Marvel has got the key mantra of success after Iron Man and GODG. Just add some humor, some cheeky action, some sarcastic abuses and here you get a blockbuster. In the end i would say it is not a bad movie, but not something to be in top list. i will give it 7 stars out of 10.
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Dead pool
AngelFall1n18 June 2021
Silly fun film, but also not great. I can see why it's overly hyped and the parody-like humour was intense and far fetched. Although I enjoyed the humour, I found it pretty silly and unconvincing for mostly being filled with sex scenes and nudity, foul language or sexual puns, sarcasm and blood. I couldn't really take the film seriously.

I also got the sense that the screenplay tried to break "stereotypes" with men and women and whom is more acceptable to "hit" in a fight. Also, the mutant girl seemed boyish and mean, while Colossal was sensitive and polite. Plot was strange and never had a glimpse of how Deadpool's girlfriend was coping with his sudden disappearance. Character development was quite poor overall. It was difficult to focus on the story since the humour and gory torture scenes were the main atmosphere. There were no triggers or signs of mental trauma after being abused, but I still appreciated Deadpool's happy persona and his fight against cancer.

I was also quite shocked at the nudity scenes and even seeing Stan Lee appearing as a cameo in a strip club with naked women. I don't think this is true to Marvel's legacy and the meaning behind their superhero/villain movies. Yet, it appealed to a certain audience and I guess it was a "money-maker/parody/Let's shock audiences" type of film rather than being focused on Deadpool's character. They even had to create a short origin story halfway through the movie to reframe the storyline and basically says "Oops. There, there, ya happy now?" Talk about being distracted.

I normally enjoy Ryan's movies, but it's almost as if Ryan Reynolds himself directed and wrote the entire script. Nothing serious and characters had nothing to hold on or relate to. Deadpool had a greater chance for more creativity and depth, but the "fast entertainment" was the only potential. I still enjoyed the film and also because I love the X-Men franchise. I would not recommend for younger audiences.

*The Jim Carrey reference in the reviews was also hilarious* 😂
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Best Movie I Have Seen In A Long Time
jelimafish17 February 2016
Firstly I would like to state that it is completely hilarious reading reviews with One Star because the movie had "Foul Language" and "Sex Scenes" or that someone had no idea that the movie was inappropriate for their 9 year old kid. Dead Pool is rated R and with 3 minutes of research you could have determined if this movie was for you or not With that being said I will not delve into the plot but the acting and writing were fantastic. Ryan Reynolds nailed this role. If you are easily offended by violence, language, or nudity this is not the movie for you but if you have a sense of humor and want to be entertained for 2 straight hours you will love this movie.
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Marvel done right
dieseldemon8521 May 2021
I have never been a fan of comic book turned movies, as I find them to be cookie cutters. This however is a true diamond amongst glass. It is well acted, moves along at a nice pace, truly funny. Enjoyable from beginning to end and is not boring or is over longed like say Endgame,Guardians of the galaxy. A solid 8,and I look forward to the sequel.
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Well, blow me!
munns3024 May 2016
Let me say at the very beginning of this review, I loathe super hero movies. I can not stress that point enough. For me, watching anyone of the countless driveling movies which have been pumped out by studios in the name of entertainment over the past decade is, for me, akin to having teeth pulled. Painful to say the least. My friends however are addicted to every single bombastic franchise, and through sufferance, I've endured countless hours of mind numbing boredom watching yet more Lycra-clad numpties saving the earth from ridiculous threat (there are of course exceptions to the above; 'The Dark Knight', the original 'X-Men)

I was once again convinced that spending an evening with chums watching Deadpool would be an excellent waste of my time. I envisaged 15 minutes of feigned interest, followed by an hour 45 of updating my email and some cheeky online shopping. Well that new Morphy Richards kettle and toaster are still waiting for me to purchase as low and behold, shock of all shocks, this film is bloody marvellous!! Bloody, hold your knickers cause they are about to get blown off, marvellous!

The dialogue is witty, sincere, and delivered by every single actor with a naturalism which seems more like improvised off the cuff genius, than drab scripted nonsense.

The pacing of the movie is excellent. It held my interest through its entirety.

The actions scenes directed with the skill of a more seasoned director.

I was so pleased that for once, I was being forced to watch a movie that treated me like an adult, with adult humour and themes, made for adults. Not for grown children masquerading as adults.

This film is a perfect storm! Just everything is right! I look forward, to my great surprise to any squeals!
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Simply Excellent.
GoodHandsomeLad13 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Deadpool is a 2016 film that the eighth film in the X-Men franchise where The Merc with the Mouth seeks revenge in a humorous way.

Wade Wilson is a mercenary who spends his time in New York City protecting teenage girls from would-be stalkers. He meets escort Vanessa Carlysle at a local bar and they become romantically attached for nearly a year. He proposes to her one night, then he suddenly collapses and is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Though she remains by his side, he fears losing her.

One night at the bar that he met Vanessa, he is approached by a recruiter from a secret program. He is offered an experimental cure for his cancer, but he rebuffs the man and leaves. Desperate to live, he reconsiders and leaves Vanessa in the middle of the night to undergo the procedure. He is injected with a special serum by Francis Freeman and tortured for days by Angel Dust in order to trigger a mutation. After weeks of no success, Wade is strapped into an airtight chamber after insulting Francis. The drop in oxygen triggers a healing factor that removes his cancer, but severely disfigures his face and skin in the process. He escapes from the chamber by blowing it up and attempts to kill Francis, only stopping when he claims he can cure Wade's disfigurement. He is then impaled by rebar and left for dead in the destruction of the lab.

Although he tracks her down, he cannot come to terms with his complexion, and he keeps himself away from Vanessa. Wade moves into the home of an elderly blind woman named Al, and with the advice of his best friend Weasel, he becomes a masked vigilante named "Deadpool", and begins hunting down Francis and dismantling his organization.

Following a string of leads from various syndicates, Deadpool attacks a convoy of cars on an expressway before getting his hands on Francis, demanding for a cure to his disfigurement. The confrontation is suddenly interrupted by the X-Men Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, who want him to join the team. Their intervention enables Francis to run off, and when Colossus handcuffs himself to Deadpool on their way back to the X-Mansion, Deadpool cuts off his own hand and escapes back to his home.

The next night, Weasel convinces Deadpool to go back to Vanessa, but when they arrive at the strip club she works at, Deadpool discovers that she has been kidnapped, and Francis and Angel Dust tell him to meet up with them on a decommissioned aircraft carrier at a scrapyard.

Deadpool convinces Colossus and Negasonic to help him, and the trio take a cab to the scrapyard, where Colossus and Negasonic have a grueling battle with Angel Dust while Deadpool slashes through an army of goons on his way toward Francis. Deadpool and Francis then engage in a bloody hand-to-hand combat before Negasonic uses her power to destroy the aircraft carrier. In the end, Deadpool gains the upper hand in the fight and Francis admits that there is no cure for Wade's disfigurement. Although Colossus urges Deadpool to spare Francis and be a true hero, he shoots Francis in the head, finally killing him and avenging himself. Deadpool removes his mask and shows Vanessa his new face. Though she is angry that he left her, she accepts him and they reconcile by kissing.

In a post-credits scene, Deadpool urges the audience to leave and go home, then announces that there will be a sequel involving Cable.
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We walked out...
mkw12312 March 2016
I go to LOTS of movies. This is only the second time I have ever walked out on one.

The previews looked intriguing and it has such high user ratings. The concept could have been a home run. My gosh, in the preview trailer where he is upside down in the car and time slows down as he turns and talks to the camera...brilliant! But the creativity and novelty were absolutely destroyed by the strong vulgarity and crassness of this movie.

I had a couple of laughs, but this film is just too offensive. Unfortunately, I wasted 30 minutes of my life before escaping this dung hill. My wife wanted to leave sooner, but I suggested we wait a bit to see if it would get did not.
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Same old ....same old
thushal19944 April 2016
I can't believe this movie is in the IMDb top 250. Oh well

Comingto the plot we all have seen it before ....incurable disease....secret organization offers a way out .....experiment gone wrong....boom superhero.

It's like all the previous marvel movies (with exception of the Guardians of the Galaxy). Nothing new on offer .....avoid it if you have better things to do.

It's just a one time watch.Movies which I refer to pop corn have a bag of pop corn in your hand.... the movie is running in front of you and for that duration you forget all your troubles.
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A new landmark for superhero and comedy films
the_legend_2710 June 2017
With a brilliant script, visceral action, and a Oscar-worthy performance by lead Ryan Reynolds, 2016's Deadpool takes superhero and comedy films into a new direction and proves that comic book movies still have a lot more to offer.

Proof of the benefits of filmmakers taking risks rather than following the working formula, Deadpool takes the superhero genre and heightens it with its unapologetic offensive humor, bloody and intense violence, as well as a excellent cast and script. Deadpool is an example to not only based ones characters and stories off of the original material, but to embrace the heart and soul of the comic book medium as a whole.
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Overrated! Over-hyped!
Mrre3nemesis30 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After hearing everyone raving about how funny and awesome this film was I just had to rent it. And I couldn't be anymore disappointed. The jokes were eh like looking into the camera and trying to crack a joke or hitting someone in the crotch or even taking one up the ass(you know what I mean if you seen it). As a fan of the X-men Film series this Colossus bugged me a lot. His accent was so annoying and his power isn't to stay full on metal the entire time. I did like his other mutant friend she was cliché but was decently funny. I will say Dead Pool's stunts are awesome and that's great but I felt the movie is no where near as good as the other X-men Films yes including The Last Stand but not including the Wolverine Origins. Its okay at best not the best movie of the year but not the worst. Give it a try but have low expectations.
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Love it!
AnnaPagrati31 August 2021
Deadpool is such a great part of the X-Men franchise, & a hilarious one!
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A One-Time Watch That is Ultimately Hollow and Overrated
almanjit2521 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Deadpool is alright as a one-time watch. It is different, fun for a short while and smart when it wants to be. It's biggest asset, a double entendre for those who've seen the film, is Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. The role fits him like a glove. He is awesome. The character rocks and has multiple facets to his personality. Reynolds's comedic timing is perfect and I guess he saves the film, perhaps that was the point.

The humor showcased is what makes Deadpool different. The wit, comedic elements, breaking the fourth wall, being very referential and parodying the X-Men all the while being R-rated give it an amusing edge.

My qualms with this film are that they took the term "R-rated" too literally. He may be the merc with the mouth but the foul language feels forced as if trying too hard to satisfy the kind of audience appetites that come with such a rating. It got annoying eventually as things became very repetitive. I am no prude but the language got to a point of overkill. In addition, humor and 'language' can only so much make up for a lack of story and substance. Eventually even if it is a parody of an X-Men film or an origin story, it is still filled with clichés. If it was trying to highlight the cliché-ridden origin stories and make fun of them, the wolverine films in particular, it did so but to it's detriment as it fell into the same trap. There is practically no story, substance or depth, even originality in the story to save the film, nothing memorable. It ultimately is an amusing but empty ride when you watch it the first time.

The film is quite stylized and that fits the humor. They go very well together but sooner or later it becomes a case of style over substance. The film becomes too reliant on humor, stylized violence and profanity, while hilarious and pretty darn good the first time, it gets old.

The characters aside from Deadpool weren't given much layering especially characters like Negasonic. I expected much more.

I enjoyed the humor the first time but after I watched the film again, it didn't have the same impact. It becomes a strictly one-time watch with an interesting anti-hero but nothing else of note. The humor doesn't hold up on multiple watches, the characters are bland, the story non-existent, the action sequences unmemorable and the villains nothing of note. Even as a parody of an origins film making fun of the clichés, it sinks because it doesn't shatter them rather it falls into the same category and embraces them.

The nods to Ferris Bueller were okay, for those who've seen the end credits, but even that and breaking the fourth wall eventually became stale, overkill and banality equal disappointment after all even when paying tribute or parodying. I'm shocked that this film became so big, I mean the emperor has no clothes! You may enjoy it once, it isn't awful but after all the hype dies down, it becomes just another mediocre movie that had potential.
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Unpopular Opinion: This film isn't that good.
dieglozada13 February 2016
The long awaited Deadpool is finally and with its much talked about "hard R" rating. Starring Ryan Reynolds as a quick taking, fourth- wall breaking, insult throwing, masked superhero, we hear about how Deadpool became Deadpool told in flashback sequences, while simultaneously following a present day plot as well.

The question for the average movie goer is "Is this film really as good and as raunchy as everyone says?" No it isn't.

I don't mean to ramble much so I'll start with the good, this film does have some humorous moments and most of the supporting characters are very entertaining to watch. And yes this film also does have some good action sequences

Sadly, that is where the good ends. This films tries very hard to be edgy and raunchy, as well as claiming to not be your average Marvel film because of those following reasons. But let me assure you; This film is most definitely very similar to all of the other Marvel films. By saying "fuck" a few times, showing breasts at a strip club and throwing childish insults such as "dicktits" is not smart filmmaking or screen writing. It is easy adolescent humor. This film has a simple plot that is easy to follow and is spoonfed to you. I have seen good comedies and I have seen good superhero films and this excels in neither.

In this films defense it may not try to be anything other than feel- good-fun-turn-your-brain-off type film, but that within itself is lazy filmmaking. I shouldn't have to turn my brain off to have enjoy a film.
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