South Park (TV Series 1997– ) Poster

(1997– )

Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • There is crude humour and sexual content. Some of the sex scenes are graphic or explicit, but they generally get worse as the show goes on.
  • The nudity isn't too bad since this is an animated show, but the sex scenes can be surprisingly graphic.
  • Masturbation and porn are common themes. Porn is actually never seen, but rarely, it is heard. However, masturbation is shown.
  • Almost every sexual reference (that is crude or graphic) is in this show.
  • One episode shows a boy cop pretending to be a girl, and he is heard having sexual intercourse with multiple people and very strong suggestive dialogue is heard. As such, he busts the criminals for prostitution when they finish.
  • A main character gets an erection when he cooks food. He masturbates almost every single time he cooks. When this occurs, we see his upper body as well as hand movements.
  • Randy kisses Jesse Jackson's butt.
  • A boy band (Jonas Brothers) gets girls to masturbate just by singing. This is shown without nudity.
  • An episode shows a character strip down naked for security purposes. The security guards then check their butts.
  • A home security company watches their users in their bathrooms, and they masturbate (no nudity).
  • Most of the time, nudity is blurred or obscured, but full frontal nudity is actually shown in a few instances. However, it is always brief.
  • Kyle joins a project made by Apple called the "HUMANCENTiPAD" (a parody of The Human Centipede). His mouth gets surgically stitched to a man's butt. When each of them poop, it travels through their body and the poop moves to the next person. This is not explicit, but it's still disturbing.
  • A character uses a fictional drug and hallucinates. He sees a scantily clad woman throughout, and her butt is seen as well as her nipples through her shirt.
  • After Season 1, the sexual content becomes much more explicit. Almost all of the later episodes have some type of sex or nudity.
  • Ms Garrison (or Mr Garrison) scissors two women at different times.
  • A few kinky scenes between parents.
  • There are multiple instances of aliens taking people and putting a probe in their butt. This is quite explicit, though only their butt is shown. One kid has to get this removed (this is comical).
  • Kanye West sings a parody of Heartless about being "gay" with a fish. He is seen making thrusting motions on a big fish while singing.
  • The animation makes the sex less explicit, but it is still pretty graphic.
  • A frat guy says, "I need your consent to go up there and destroy your pussy."
  • Some conversations include talk of sex, oral sex, vibrators, dildos, pornography, p*nises, vaginas and much more. This is just a reference.
  • Cartman puts as a joke while he's sleeping. Butters' mouth while he's blindfolded, while he doesn't know this makes him gay.
  • Kyle's parents have sexual intercourse at the beginning of one episode.
  • Snooki dry humps students.
  • Mr. Mackey and Ms. Choksondik get undressed and have sex in the episode "Proper Condom Use".
  • Sharon gives Randy a handjob.
  • A sea bass talks about how an underaged fish performed "bass to mouth" (ass to mouth).
  • In the Sony building, we can see the CEO performing doggy-style sex on his wife, but he gets interrupted by visitors.
  • The critters have a blood orgy.
  • A character tries to sexually arouse himself so he can ejaculate.
  • A character, Richard Dawkins, has sex with Mr Garrison who had a sex change operation. He gets exposed in a phone call, and he stops having sex with Garrison when he realizes he's a man. The sex scene between Richard and Mr Garrison is graphic.
  • A drugged monkey other monkeys in a sequence. The observers are shocked (this is all shown).
  • Randy gets in bed with Sharon who has a stripper suit on. They put in a porno but they realize it's The Lord Of The Rings and that their kids have the tape.
  • The government is forced to watch people go to the toilet on camera.
  • A man rubs cream on his p*nis unknowing that the government is watching him.
  • Butters has wet dreams every night and he calls it "Secret Sauce". It actually was his semen.
  • Dogs are shown urinating and defecating on Butters, but this is comedic.
  • The boys watch a porn movie. Nothing is shown, but sounds are heard.
  • A TV shows two actual, non-animated lions performing sex.
  • Later on, the men detail their liking for the boys, slow dance with them and take them to their personal rooms to have intercourse with them. The children escape from the sexual encounter, and attempt to run away from the men. They are all fully naked, but their genitals are not visible. Eventually, have sex Kenny's father instead, offscreen, and briefly.
  • Kyle's brother, Ike, has a relationship with his teacher in the episode "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy".
  • A real non-animated clip of the variety of life on earth is shown. It includes a close up shot of a naked child standing in a village.
  • There are jokes about in multiple episodes, but the episode "Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery" has graphic descriptions of sex.
  • An alien strip club is seen. Aliens are seen pole dancing which is rather explicit. Later, two aliens are seen in a room with an alien hooker and doing questionable things with each other (again, rather explicit, and strong sexual dialogue is heard).
  • The CEO of SONY (male) and a news reporter (male) have sex. After that, the news reporter says "That was good sex!"
  • The "Stop Touching Me Elmo" toy makes sexual comments to children in a commercial, mocking Elmo's voice actor's sexual abuse allegations. This toy also has a toothpaste dispenser imitating a p*nis and when you press it, Elmo says "More, more, more, augh!" and white toothpaste (imitating semen) comes out.
  • A horse's gigantic penis is seen.
  • Randy puts his penis in a microwave (seen from behind).
  • Men (including Randy) use their overgrown hairy testicles as if they're hopping balls (this is seen uncensored numerous times).
  • Angelina Jolie's pubic hair is shown at the end of one episode (no graphic nudity).
  • Cats are seen aroused, in heat, and having sex. Mr. Kitty watches the equivalent of porn to cats (seen fully onscreen, and an item above describes this).
  • A party where many, many people have sex with each other.
  • A very brief image of actual elephants having sex.
  • In a sex act, Sheila urinates on Gerald in bed to get aroused. This scene is sexually explicit and it is among the most graphic sex scenes throughout the entire show.
  • Kyle's parents, Sheila and Gerald, are often seen having sex or doing sex acts in various episodes.
  • Over-the-top sexual behavior is sometimes considered normal, funny or acceptable.
  • Porno flick is sometimes shown with audio only (nothing visual), but sometimes, a small amount of pornography might be shown onscreen, even though the creators do not show anything too extreme.
  • The only episodes with sex scenes: The Death of Eric Cartman, The Black Friday Trilogy, Back to the Cold War, Dead Celebrities, D-Yikes!, Proper Condom Use, Cat Orgy, Go God Go Part 1 and 2 (XII), Insecurity, The Song of Ass and Fire and The Magic Bush.
  • Wendy gets breast implants and her nipples are shown.
  • Randy (who is drunk) says "God made our penises like little hoses for a reason."
  • In the episode "Make Love, Not Warcraft", Cartman is seen defecating while playing on his computer (we see his butt), and some of the poop goes on Liane (Cartman's mom).
  • In the intro for almost every episode, Kenny talks about big fat titties, deep vaginas, and 3 more. It is muffled as he's wearing a parka, but you can vaguely tell what he's saying.
  • Butters pulls down his pants, and Awesom-O puts a mental suppository in Butters' anus.
  • After Kenny gets high on cat urine, he meets a woman with large breasts.
  • Sexual references in many episodes.
  • A church clergyman has sex with a kid's mom in an episode.
  • Lot of crude humor, strong sexual content and nudity throughout the series.
  • Cartman shows his butt and farts on kyle.
  • Strong animated suggestive and sexual content.
  • Kenny's part in the intro of every episode is a very vulgar lyric. You can't hear it because his voice is muffled, but if you listen carefully you can understand it. The lyric has changed a few times, but has only gotten more vulgar.
  • Season 4 is where it starts to get really more explicit with the sex scenes.
  • In one episode, Cartman is seen masturbating with Cupid Me in his bathroom. He is nude, but we only see a side of view of him.
  • A man rubs his face in breasts from woman (breasts are shown)

Violence & Gore

  • Lots of gory and intense cartoon violence. The show's art-style does lessen the impact, but it is more gross rather than scary.
  • Wendy beats up Cartman in the episode "Breast Cancer Show Ever".
  • Frequent violence throughout many episodes.
  • Some characters are often shot through the head and a graphic blood and brain splatter follows.
  • Wendy gets breast implants in a surgery and blood is shown along with her nipples. Quite graphic.
  • Torture, blood, and gore are shown.
  • A dead pigs' carcass is dropped from a building. Guts and bones are seen flying everywhere as people scream. Pretty graphic.
  • A running gag that Kenny get killed by in many death ways.
  • Kyle says that the inner city students will "f*cking murder him"
  • This is a very violent show.
  • Many gory gruesome and violent parts including kids animals and adults getting mutilated.
  • There's deaths, LOTS OF DEATHS.
  • Randy shoots a guy with a shotgun in the head. It explodes pieces of skull brain eyes blood and more are shown.
  • In one episode a group of cute animals have a feast on another animal's organs (LOTS OF BLOOD AND GUTS ARE SHOWN)
  • Often times, there is graphic violence. However, the show is in construction-paper cutout animation style, and it is not overly disturbing at times. It is also played for laughs and over-the-top.
  • Violence can be quite gory at times but it is usually comical.
  • Scenes of torture. These scenes are usually for comic effect, but they are graphic and can be upsetting.
  • Kenny is seen dying in most episodes during the first five seasons but he sometimes dies in pretty graphic ways.
  • Cartman is a psychopath and he sometimes does very violent and sadistic things.
  • A school shooting takes place in the episode "Dead Kids".


  • On very rare occasions, the word "cunt" has been used. It has been used twice as a pun, and was used as a swear word in the episode "Bike Parade," "Turd Burglars," and the Vaccination Special. Jimmy accidentally says the word due to his stutter, and it was used once in the Season 14 episode "Sexual Healing." It was also used in Trey and Matt's episode commentary for "Raisins," and in The Streaming Wars Part 1, Randy calls Stan a "cunt" as well.
  • The stronger language is uncensored on DVD, Blu-Ray and sometimes on streaming sites like HBO Max, iTunes, Amazon video, Netflix, South Park's website, etc.
  • Many uses of "bitch," "ass," "shit," "bastard," "goddamn," "dick," "prick," "fuck," "slut," "whore," "cock," "damn," "hell," "piss," etc.
  • On a game show scene, Randy guesses the "n-word" when the real word was "Naggers". It is racist but it's meant for laughs.
  • Countless uses of the F word is uncensored in the UK.
  • There is frequent targeting of religions by some characters. Especially Cartman, who believes in white supremacy, and he often calls Kyle a "Jew" because Kyle (who is one of the main characters) is Jewish.
  • The S word is bleeped on TV until Season 15.
  • Moderate and mild insults (English strong words used in everyday life; recommended to be used with caution) include, but are not limited to: piss, pissed off, loser, fool, idiot, jerk, lame, shut up, stupid, your mother and wimp. and the severe insult, retard,
  • A character called Craig Tucker is often seen using the middle finger.
  • Racism, especially used by Cartman, is sometimes viewed as normal, funny or acceptable.
  • Extreme profanity is usually perceived as normal, funny, acceptable or age-appropriate, despite being constantly used by children.
  • Some of the old episodes (all of Season 1 and some of Season 2) are only rated PG-13 and they either have no F-bombs or if the F-bombs are censored.
  • There are two episodes with above 15 uses of the F word. They are "Stunning and Brave" and "HumancentIpad" (the first episodes of Season 15 and Season 19).
  • Strong language, (insulting or vulgar words) includes, but is not limited to: "bitch," "shit," "slut," "go to hell," "shitty," "goddammit," "fuck," "bullshit," "fuck off," "asswipe," "bastards," and "asshole" respectively.
  • Weak insults (nothing offensive, but is profanity, depending on context) includes, but is not limited to: cheesy, crazy, creepy, dumb, clown, weird, scaredy cat, tattletale, nerd, ginger, and jock.
  • Very high strong profanity throughout due to the R rated level.
  • "Faggot" is also often used.
  • Kyle tells Cartman that the inner city kids will "f**cking murder him"
  • All profanity are very frequent that there are: Mild profanity such as "Hell", "Damn", "Bastard", "Ass/Jackass/Dumbass/Badass/Smartass", "Piss", and "Crap". Moderate profanity such as "Bitch/Son of a Bitch", "Goddamn", "Asshole", "Dick/Dickhead", "Prick", "Slut", "Balls", "Penis", "Tits", "Cock", "Whore" and "Douchebag" are also used". Severe Profanity is also used in this series such as "Retard", "Shit/Bullshit/Shitty", "Fuck/Motherfucker", "Faggot" and Cunt". As well as offensive/racial slurs.
  • Countless uses of the F-Words is uncensored on UK.
  • Mostly Old Episodes Of Season 1 & Some Of Season 2 Are Rated PG-13 Have No F-Bombs If F-Bombs Are Censored.
  • The kids cuss as much as the adults.
  • Chef sometimes calls people "cracker"
  • Eric Cartman is normally called "fatass" by Kyle.
  • This show has a lot of profanity like fuck shit bitch pussy damn asshole dick dildo hell crap and other words.
  • Overall, this is one of the, if not the most profane TV shows ever, to the point that it holds a Guinness world record for most swears in a single show.
  • A lot of mayhem language throughout in every episodes.
  • When Kenny dies, Stan say "Oh my god, they killed Kenny!", then Kyle say "You bastard!". This is played for running gags.
  • Craig tucker flip off is seen in the earlier seasons.
  • The F word is used frequently, but it is bleeped when it airs on TV (not on HBO Max usually), and it is uncensored on DVD and online.
  • In the Season 5 episode "It Hits the Fan", the S word was said 162 times. This is meant as a satire to the over-censorship of television.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Stan's father, Randy, owns and lives on a weed farm.
  • Randy is seen smoking marijuana frequently throughout Season 22 onwards.
  • Newer seasons have shown the cultural shift in being more accepting of people who use marijuana.
  • This show has strong content relating to drugs and alcohol. However, illegal substances are never glorified as a good thing (with the exception of Randy's weed farm) as most of the characters who use them either go down horrible paths or they die.
  • Cartman asks Kenny if he wants to get high sniffing paint.
  • Some episodes poke fun at drug addiction and alcoholism.
  • There are references to drug overdoses.
  • Some characters, especially Kenny's dad, are alcoholics.
  • Stan's dad (Randy) is often seen drunk.
  • Earlier episodes have no real drug usage, several of the later episodes focus on drugs.
  • Towelie is addicted to drugs.
  • Alcohol is often consumed, but not graphic in any manner.
  • The goth kids are often seen smoking, and one of them is a kindergartner.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Some episodes are more dark than they are comedic. However, they contain numerous disturbing moments.
  • Eric Cartman is racist and sexist. Especially towards Jewish people, including his friend, Kyle Broflovski. While Cartman is like that to teach against racism and sexism, it can be offensive to some.
  • The main plot of The Pandemic Special is the coronavirus pandemic and also focuses on Randy's weed farm.
  • Some jumpscares.
  • The statue of the Virgin Mary bleeds "out her ass" which can be extremely offensive to Christians, and Randy's alcoholism may offend some viewers as well.
  • This show is offensive, but everything that's graphic or offensive to people is played for laughs and the main point of the show is to make people offended.
  • More than once during the show actual non-animated clips are shown quickly in a way meant to be intense or shocking. These included things such as graphic surgeries, animals eating each other, dead people, and nude children (though not in a sexual context).
  • This show's main characters are kids, this may make some think that this is a kids' show, however, this is FAR from a kids show.
  • Very crude humour.
  • The South Park theme before season 1 can be scary to kids.
  • Rated TV-MA for pervasive strong crude and sexual content including explicitly vulgar dialogue, some graphic nudity, language throughout, extreme animated violence, and drug material.
  • The show is about the misadventures of 4 irreverent children (the main characters of the series). While the show is highly satirical and a lot of parody is present, it sometimes can be dark and emotional.
  • Adult TV series (18-21+)
  • Mild/Moderate in most episodes.
  • The violence can be disturbing at certain times.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • Mr Garrison has a sex change operation in a Season 9 episode. You can see clips of a real life sex change footage. Although they are brief, it is very disturbing to watch.
  • Cartman finds out that his mother, Liane, was a prostitute. A few flashbacks show her starting to have sex with multiple other men. Brief thrusting and strong moaning is heard.
  • Randy watches porn multiple times through one episode. Only moaning is heard, but you see him masturbating. At the end of the episode, he ejaculates when people walk in. Semen is shown all over the room and he says, "A ghost did it".
  • Randy masturbates on weed to stop the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • Ike (known as Kyle's brother) sleeps with his teacher (the teacher is Miss Stevenson).
  • Mr. Kitty is in heat and searches in alleys for other cats to have sex with, including a scene where a very heavy cat humps Kitty. But later, all of the cats are seen at Cartman's house and they are having an orgy. However, it is then implied the cats have sexually assaulted a character.
  • In "Broadway Bro Down", Randy takes Sharon to broadway shows so that she can give him blowjobs.
  • Cartman measures people's penis but only butts are shown.
  • Cartman measures penises but asses are only shown.
  • Cartman and his friends pee on fire when they were in preschool.
  • A massive pee flood occurs at the water park.
  • In one episode, Mrs. Mccormick walks into Kenny's room and sees him dead dressed up as batman with his hand in his pants touching his crouch from masturbating. We also see a porn magazine too (not graphic).

Violence & Gore

  • In "The Return of Chef", Chef dies in an overtly horrific and graphic manner: He's first burned up, then falls onto a stalagmite after a thunder severs the bridge he's using to escape, impaling him with a lot of blood spurting out graphically (similar to Saddam Hussein's gruesome death in "South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut", who suffers the same fate as he's impaled into a stalagmite), and afterwards, Chef is shot with more blood spurting out and he's then brutally mauled by a mountain lion and a grizzly bear, which devour him alive and then, the mountain lion bites and violently rips Chef's face right off and both the bear and the mountain lion ultimately tear him apart completely in half, killing him and we then see a huge amount of blood, gore and viscera visible all over the place, especially on his severely mangled body. Chef is then buried after this. This scene is extremely gruesome, graphic, bloody, and disturbing, but also very emotionally intense and upsetting.
  • At the end of "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy", Miss Stevenson commits suicide which is pretty disturbing and quite a lot of blood is shown.
  • The Black Friday trilogy is very gore-heavy.
  • Mickey Mouse beats up one of the Jonas Brothers and one is seen with a nosebleed.
  • At the beginning of season 9, Mr. Garrison undergoes a gender reassignment procedure. Footage from a real-life surgery is shown uncensored.
  • There's kills, lots of kills, especially in season 9.
  • Scott Tenorman's parents are murdered and turned into chili. The reveal is extremely shocking.
  • Butters is sent to a gay conversion camp. This episode also features a character having suicidal thoughts, and even threatening to take his own life.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Seasons 22, 23, and The Pandemic Special focus heavily on marijuana.
  • In "Butt Out", the boys end up burning down the school after smoking so they don't become like the Butt Out group.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Kenny permanently ends up dying in the episode "Kenny Dies". Even though he is brought back at the end of season 6, it could be pretty upsetting to some viewers and could even make some cry. Not many jokes are used in this episode, which only adds to the episode's dark and depressing nature.
  • Kenny dying in every episode and later permanently in "Kenny Dies" can upset some viewers.
  • Chef's death may scare younger viewers, as he was a lovable character.
  • In "Scott Tenorman Must Die", Cartman tricks Tenorman into eating his own parents in a chilli. This is brought up several times later throughout the series.
  • The hell scenes in "Hell on Earth 2006" can be frightening for viewers.
  • In the episode woodland critter Christmas the woodland critters are satanic and gives birth to the Anti-Christ but then is later revealed its just a made-up story.
  • In season 1 episode 7 cartman is dressed up as Adolf Hitler.
  • In season 25 episode 6: Public Defender slaps Butters three times during interrogation. Viewers will find that clip shocking and appalled because the scene is child abuse. It's not for sensitive viewers!

See also

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